Videos/Blog There are many Robotic Kits available in the market like 1. Makeblock Robotic Kit 2. Lego Mindstorms Kit 3. Science of Doors its movement & force determination Mathematical calculations behind the handles & stoppers. We can learn from the things around us and do Research Projects. घर के अंदर की चीज़ों से कैसे Holiday Projects and activities for kids Parents & teachers to engage themselves or their kids/students in useful & knowledgeable STEM Activity Specially designed for Kids, Parents & Beginners.... Coding is a way to build Logic, problem solving ability
You do not require any hardware or any other material to take up this course. This is a startup course STEM Activity Specially designed for Kids, Parents & Beginners.... Coding is a way to build Logic, problem solving ability A math lesson (STEM) with 2 practical activities on Area. The Game teaches the concept of Area and Perimeter
"Energy can neither be Created nor be Destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another" is the
STEM Activity - DIY water cycle
Leonardo da Vinci drew up plans for an armored humanoid machine in 1495